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Thursday, 7 February 2019

PUBG Mobile ban in India

Trouble in paradise
PUBG Mobile ban in India is a hot topic, and recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a mother's concern over the popular battle Royale game's influence on her kid. Since many efforts to ban PUBG in India have hit a dead-end, the 11-year-old kid decided to take the matters in his own hands and penned a four-page strong-worded letter seeking a ban on PUBG Mobile.

In the letter, the boy has appealed to the ministers of respective departments to ban PUBG Mobile linking the game to immoral conducts such as violence, murder, aggression, addiction to gaming, looting and cyberbullying.
Recently, Jammu & Kashmir Students body and medical doctors association urged the governor to enforce a ban on the popular game, while Gujarat became the first state to ban the game across all primary schools. PUBG Mobile has also been banned in a few academic institutions, including Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT). And it is being done so with good intent as medical experts have linked the game to mental imbalance.

Which side of the world are you? Do you wish to see PUBG Mobile get banned or you cannot wait for the zombie mode like millions out there? Share your thoughts with us.

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