JNV Class six 6 Entrance Exam Result, Selection List
JNVST Result 2020 is expected to be released Region Wise along with Selection/Waiting List of students. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Result...
Online Schools An educator is an individual who helps other people to secure information, capabilities or values.Online Classes Casually the job of instructor might be taken on by anybody (for example when telling a partner the best way to play out...
Home Learning Study materials video Std 3 DD Girnar/Diksha portal video
Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a leading state level institution for enhancing quality education...
Electricity Bill payment online: Official Paripatr for 100 unit bill Relief
No need to login into any website, you can pay & check your last electricity bill easy via this Electricity Light Bill...
medical reimbursement, higher assistance, out-of-state travel, etc. for school pravas.
Education All Circulars of Districts And Niyamak kacheri Gandhinagar,all Primary, Secondary and Higer Secondary Department. we also uploads various Job Updates of various government & Non-Government Sector from...
SSA Gujarat CRC Coordinator, BRC Co Ordinator, URC CO Ordinator Posts Recruitment
2020 @ssagujarat.org :Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Gujarat has released notification inviting candidates to apply for the positions of BRC,URC & CRC Coordinator Posts.Eligible candidates may apply online...
School inspector visit home learning programma online education checking 22-06-2020.
Online applications were invited for recruitment of School Inspectors in connection with awarding School Accreditation...